CANINE COLLEGIATE REVIEW, October 1999 edition, page 2
IS  THE  BIG  APPLE  ROTTEN  TO  THE  CORE?   By Chasit Upatree, reporter at large
 A story has come to light that poses a question as to the bias of New York City government, or at least its police department.
Is it possible that  the apple fuzz is prejudiced against canines?  Why else would a harmless birthday party be penalized?  All together, fellows, lets give a rousing bark of appreciation for the much maligned media.
HOUNDOG  COMMENTS  ON  HUMANOID  PERSPECTIVE   By  Reginald  Terrier-Mix,  UK reporter.      When questioned as to the validity of certain assumptions in an article found at
Professor Emeritus Minkley Houndog of Cowford University had this to say:
             "It is very useful to the canine community to allow our patrons such comforts as may be gleaned from the bland assumption that  the canine-humanoid interaction  produces benefits for both sides;  however we canines must not forget that tolerating their foibles and gullibility is the key to the can-opener, and if they choose to believe that petting us is good for their health, we can handle that, too, all the way to the air conditioned minivan."
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