WORKING  DOG  WONDERS     November, 2000, edition

     At a recent debate, the two front runners for president of the WDW, Hairy Hidebound and Itchy Innovator, barked and yelped most convincingly about their different views on the role of the union's president.   Most of Innovator's notions were considered too radical by the older members, while Hidebound's ideas ( mostly regarding economy and preserving status quo) drew limited applause.  There was a noisy demonstration going on in the dry creekbed just outside the culvert which brought down the county animal control and several of the demonstrators (Rowdy Rasler supporters) were impounded.
NEWS FROM THE LOCALS; Local ll35, Kenosha, Wisconsin.  A collection was taken at the last meeting for an organizer from Canada who is in this area learning about successful union practices to help brothers north of  the border in their efforts to unionize.  We all feel that strong sled dog and hunting dog locals there are in the union's best interest.  This organizer has been given some coverage by the local press.  See
Local 2020 Ottowa, Canada.  Lors d'une reunion recente les membres ont vote les fonds speciaux pour inroler pllus d'organissateurs pour augmenter l'adhesion.  La plupart des chiens travaillants au Canada sont entierement utilises ainsi des croisements et les hybrides sont enroles.